60 Good Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Vitamin C Supplements

By Bill Sardi

  • Are you under stress? Undergoing divorce, loss of a loved one, financial stress? You need more vitamin C.
  • Do you have a runny nose? You could use some vitamin C as a natural antihistamine.
  • Does your skin bruise easily? That would be an overt sign you need more vitamin C.
  • Do you have gallstones? It would be advisable to take extra vitamin C.
  • Do you have hemorrhoids, spider veins, varicose veins? Begin taking extra vitamin C to strengthen blood capillaries.
  • Do you smoke tobacco? Now is the time to start taking extra vitamin C as smoking depletes vitamin C.
  • Are you pregnant? Then take extra vitamin C to keep from losing your pregnancy.
  • Is you blood sugar elevated? Now is the time to take vitamin C throughout the day.
  • Have you had a heart attack? If so, supplement your diet with vitamin C to promote healthy coronary arteries.
  • Are your eyes chronically red? Extra vitamin C may help.
  • Have you had an abnormal Pap smear? Take vitamin C along with folic acid to help normalize cervical tissue.
  • Do your gums bleed? That is an overt sign you need more vitamin C.
  • Do you take aspirin daily? Aspirin depletes vitamin C and supplemental vitamin C should be added to your diet.
  • Do you have macular degeneration? There is no better time to start taking vitamin C than now.
  • Are you recovering from a wound or surgery? This is the best time to supplement with extra vitamin C.
  • Does your doctor say you have a liver problem? Take vitamin C to improve liver glutathione levels (glutathione is a key antioxidant).
  • Are you trying to mend a broken bone? Vitamin C supplementation is advised.
  • Are you developing cataracts? It’s best to take extra vitamin C.
  • Does a loved one struggle with schizophrenia? Vitamin C is worth a try.
  • Do you notice pinpoint bleeding around your hair follicles? That is an overt sign you are vitamin C deficient.
  • Does the hair on your body take a corkscrew shape? Another sign you need more vitamin C.
  • Do your legs ache when you walk? That might be peripheral neuropathy that can be resolved by taking vitamin C pills.
  • Do you experience recurrent infections? Your immune system may be compromised by a lack of vitamin C.
  • Do you consume added sugars in your diet? Sugar paralyzes white blood cells and depletes vitamin C.
  • Are you irritable or short tempered? That is yet another sign of vitamin C deficiency.
  • Blood pressure elevated? Extra vitamin C should be consumed throughout the day.
  • Exposed to lead or mercury? Supplemental vitamin C is advised.
  • Are you chronically fatigued? You may be anemic. Take extra vitamin C in its ascorbic acid form with meals to improve the absorption of iron from foods.
  • Is your appetite poor? Extra vitamin C might be of help.
  • Do you use an asthma inhaler that contains a steroidal drug? Steroidal drugs (example: prednisone) deplete vitamin C from the body and supplemental vitamin C is required to avoid deficiency.
  • Do you take water pills (diuretics)? These drugs deplete vitamin C from the body and require supplemental vitamin C.
  • Do you take antacids of any kind such as for heartburn? These drugs impair vitamin C absorption.
  • Are you a postmenopausal female who practices estrogen replacement or a fertile female taking the birth control pill? Then you need extra vitamin C to make up for its depletion by these hormones.
  • Do you take Tylenol (acetaminophen) for pain? This pain reliever depletes glutathione from the liver, a key antioxidant. Vitamin C raises glutathione levels.
  • Do you drink alcohol daily? You should supplement your diet with vitamin C (along with zinc, thiamin vitamin B1, magnesium).
  • Do you get dizzy when you stand up from the sitting position? You may benefit from adding extra vitamin C to your diet (plus vitamin B12).
  • Do your joints ache? You may have pseudo-arthritis. Try vitamin C.
  • Do you have blotches of blood underneath the skin on the back of your hands? This condition is called ecchymoses and is resolved by taking vitamin C.
  • Do your eyes bulge out? Extra vitamin C should be employed.
  • Do you have shingles (herpes zoster)? Vitamin C may help resolve symptoms.
  • Do you have melanoma skin cancer? Vitamin C may help prevent its spread.
  • Do you have viral outbreaks like herpes lip sores or chronic hepatitis? It is important you supplement your diet with vitamin C.
  • Do you have glaucoma? Vitamin C may be beneficial.
  • Have you undergone weight-loss surgery (gastric bypass)? Guard against vitamin C deficiency by supplementation.
  • Are you unable to walk and need a motorized chair or wheelchair? Vitamin C therapy has been demonstrated to resolve this problem.
  • Are you overweight? Vitamin C deficiency contributes to obesity.
  • Men: are your sperm levels low? Extra vitamin C may help.
  • Do your growing children complain of painful legs? They may need more vitamin C.
  • Are you battling cancer? Cancer cells use up more vitamin C and supplementation is demanded.
  • Are you bleeding at the back of your eyes? Reach for vitamin C.
  • Is your blood platelet count low (inability of blood to clot)? Vitamin C is necessary for normal blood clotting.
  • Can’t stop eating? A lack of vitamin C (and zinc and vitamin A) are associated with low levels of leptin, a hormone that signals the body has had enough to eat (satiation).
  • Ladies: do the top chambers of your heart flutter (atrial fibrillation)? Vitamin C may help resolve this problem.
  • Men: want to live longer? Just 300 milligrams of vitamin C (which would require consumption of 6 oranges a day) resulted in men living six years longer. Vitamin C supplements are suggested.
  • Are you battling the common cold? Extra vitamin C , especially with added zinc gluconate helps reduce the severity and duration of a cold.
  • Do you have H pylori infection that shuts off stomach acid secretion that impairs absorption of vitamin C from foods and supplements? 52% of the American public does and needs extra vitamin C.
  • Are you a sugar craver? Craving for sweets may emanate from overgrowth of a yeast called Candida albicans that depletes vitamin C from the body.
  • Need tissue regeneration? Vitamin C is needed to produce regenerative stem cells.
  • Do you have short telomeres (end caps on your chromosomes)? Vitamin C is associated with longer telomeres.
  • Men: erectile dysfunction? In an animal study, vitamin C erased the problem.
  • Do you need any more reasons before you start supplementing your diet with vitamin C?
©2015 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.